
Building turbulence with vortex rings

This work was featured on Quanta Magazine Coming soon.

Self-assembly in turbulence

Coming soon.

Targeting studies of the mu2e experiment

The mu2 experiments looks for a signature of new physics that breaks the Standard Model (charged lepton flavor violation for experts). I carried out studies of targeting beam at the Mu2e production target using a software called G4beamline, through the solenoidal field, both in the current configuration and in proposed upgrade scenarios.

Modeling altered synaptic plasticity of Alzheimer's patients

Hebb famously said “Fire together, wire together” to describe learning in our synaptic network. If so, what makes Alzheimer’s patients dispair their abilities to learn? I proposed a multi-scale model that displays disparities in learning. (In collaboration with Peter Erdi.)

Melting of a Yukawa system in 3D

I worked with Professor Jan Tobochnik at Kalamazoo College to make connections between the melting transition and a percolation theory.