Welcome to tflow documentation!

tflow: analysis package for experimental 2D PIV/3D PTV data

“tflow” contains modules to process 2D PIV/3D PTV data and analyze various flows (from laminar to turbulent).

Basic features (velocity module)

  • temporal averaging of energy/enstrophy

  • spacial averaging of energy/enstrophy

  • computing vorticity, shear, rates, rate-of-strain tensor

  • computing streamfunctions (Stokes flow)

  • conducting Reynolds decomposition (turbulent flow)

  • computing 1D/3D energy spectra and n-th orderstructure functions (turbulent flow)

  • computing two-point velocity correlction function (spatial autocorrelation function) (turbulent flow)

  • computing quadratic inviscid invariants of hydrodynamics (energy, helicity, linear momentum, and angular momentum)

  • slicing an arbitrary plane of a 3D velocity field

Key modules

  • velocity.py: a core analysis module

  • graph.py: a wrapper of matplotlib to efficiently plot the output of velocity.py

  • davis2hdf5.py: LaVision Inc. offers a cutting-edge PIV/PTV software called DaVis. This converts their output to a single hdf5 to store a velocity field data.


To make the package compatible for theoretical and experimental studies, the input data is just a numpy array which I refer as udata.

udata has a shape of (dimension, nrows, ncols, (nsteps if applicable), duration).

  • udata[0, ...], udata[1, ...], udata[2, ...] represent x-, y-, and z-component of a velocity field.

  • udata[0, ..., 100] represents the x-component of the velocity field at the 100th frame.

  • udata assumes an evenly spaced grid. The corresponding positional grid can be generated like following:

import numpy as np
n = 101 # number of points along x and y
L = np.pi # size of the box
# 2D grid
x, y = np.linspace(-L/2., L/2., n), np.linspace(-L/2., L/2., n)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# 3D grid
z = np.linspace(-L/2., L/2., n)
xxx, yyy, zzz = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)

Example analysis pipeline

  1. Format your PIV-/PTV-extracted velocity field in the format above

    … For DaVis (ver.10.1-, LaVision Inc.) users, you may use davis2hdf5.py.

  2. import tflow.velocity as vel

  3. Load your velocity field data like udata = vel.get_udata(path2udata)

  4. Run analysis functions such as get_energy(udata)

# Example: Plot an energy field
import tflow.velocity as vel
# Load data
udata = vel.get_udata(path2udata) # Load data
#udata, xx, yy = vel.get_udata(path2udata, return_xy=True) # 2D velocity field and a grid
#udata, xx, yy, zz = vel.get_udata(path2udata, return_xy=True) # 3D velocity field

# Analyze data
energy = vel.get_energy(udata)

# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(111)
ax.pcolormesh(xx, yy, energy[..., t]) # plot an energy field at the 100th frame


Plans: I will publish this package soon (before the end of May 2022.) If you cannot wait for the release, clone a repository from my GitHub. I will also add notebooks for tutorials.


If you have questions or suggestions, contact me on my GitHub or email.
